I started this blog initially to see for myself what can be done in a blog and also to satisfy my curiosity.
After an initial few posts, I left the blog aside due to some other time consuming commitments.
I recently came back to my blog and was thinking of continuing where I left off, but I soon realised that my motives and objectives of maintaining the blog has changed.
Instead of just an english blog to document my various thoughts and air my opinions on various issues in Singapore and the world at large, I realised I also wanted to share with my readers my love for the chinese language and culture and also my passion for writing, in both languages.
As a result, I've created a new category of articles and posted a couple of my older chinese essays as a start.
I also realised that truely bilingual (english & chinese) blogs are not that common and not easy to maintain and plan.
But I'm willing to try for some time to see if it will work out.
If you have something to share & suggest, do drop me a note so that the blog can be improved.
To sign off, a 2-liner from a poem by 王之涣:
Monday, September 11, 2006
Bilingual Blog?
Posted by
11:50 PM
Labels: Fleeting Thoughts
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We are working on a serch engine for blogs in Chinese and English with the results available in both languages. If you have a minute go to www.lotousa.com and let us know what you think.
Drew Robertson info@phoneranger.com
hm. 10x for style..
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